OPEN MIKE FRIDAY: "Using Blockchain to Enhance Medical Device Safety & Quality"
SPECIAL GUEST: Susan Ramonat (Spiritus Partners)
More show details to follow. REGISTER FOR SHOW
SPECIAL GUEST: Susan Ramonat (Spiritus Partners)
More show details to follow. REGISTER FOR SHOW
REGISTER FOR SHOW: Guest Dr. Swamy Narayanaswamy, CalQLogic will cite his experience and walk us through a clear and thorough overview of AI and Machine Learning (ML) and why these technologies are becoming so pervasive in today’s data-driven enterprises.
REGISTER FOR SHOW: Guests, Ravi Kumar and Sid Chakravarthy of StaTwig will tell us about their recent project with UC Berkeley and the Govt of Andhra Predesh to improve visibility, monitoring and tracking in the seafood supply chain. They’ll walk us through how they traced the journey and temperature of seafood in tamper-proof blockchain records, they were able to demonstrate how trust, transparency and authenticity can apply to the entire supply chain.
This virtual event will feature health-care providers sharing real-world case studies that reveal the business benefits of RFID technology. CLICK HERE to register or for more info.
"Understanding the Impact of Blockchain on Pharmaceutical Serialization and Track & Trace Requirements"... The goal of the webinar is to get you up to speed on this subject, as well as share how one global technology company envisions developing blockchain solutions for the pharma industry in the near future.
CLICK HERE to register or for more info.
Bob will lead a session during Pharma Logistics IQ's live broadcast to discuss the possibilities of using blockchain technology to capture and disseminate cold chain sensor data.
CLICK HERE to register or for more info.