Collaboration, exploration, discovery.
What is a Study? The Center hosts group-funded Studies as a way for the industry to come together, exchange ideas and share their expertise. We incorporate simulation into our ReferenceModelTM process to allow participants to test and analyze a wider range of variables and scenarios that may lead to deeper understanding, advanced technologies and innovation.
Benefits of a Study:
Brings together a diverse group of people with unique insights and expertise
Members pool expenses & resources so the work gets off-the ground more quickly
Meetings take place via phone or online, without geographical constraints
Simulation allows for flexibility to experiment and test more scenarios
Provides a platform for industry thought leaders in education and discovery
The Study Process. During a Study, the Team has unlimited access to work-in-progress documents, weekly meeting recaps and monthly summaries. A Study blog is created to facilitate a free-flow of dialogue, feedback, ideas and opinions. Upon completion, the Center archives all artifacts including ReferenceModels, White Papers and Education Modules. Only the Team's agreed-upon archives are openly published for general access and further use.