Proof-of-Concept Pilots Overview
Individual Proof-of-Concept Team Demos
BLUE TEAM: Chronicled
“Using a distributed blockchain network for compliance & innovation"
PURPLE TEAM: iSolve, Intel, Excellis Health
“Creating a 360° View of the Biopharma Supply Chain with Digital Ledger Technology”
GREEN TEAM: RxTransparent, Systech
"Blockchain: A viable end-to-end solution for pharma supply chain"
ORANGE TEAM: Cryptowerk
“The Power of Many: Blockchain interoperability and portability for DSCSA Compliance”
AQUA TEAM: Axiom Technology Group
"Answering the 'Where’s My Stuff?' question for the pharma supply chain"
YELLOW TEAM: Authentag, Accenture
“Beyond Compliance: DLT Lessons Learned & Optimization Potential for the Supply Chain”