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DSCSA & Blockchain Study - INTRO WEBINAR

To register for DSCSA & Blockchain INTRO WEBINAR
on Sep 30, 2016 11:00 AM EDT:

BLOCKCHAIN. There’s been a lot of talk about the use of blockchain lately in regard to healthcare. HDA will have a session in their November Traceability Seminar on it, the ONC recently had a Blockchain and Its Emerging Role in Healthcare and Health-related Research” whitepaper challenge (  and numerous blogs have asked the question of whether blockchain could address some of the Internet of Medical Things (IOMT) security issues.

In his article in the Wall Street Journal (Feb 2, 2016), Steven Norton stated “it’s emerging as a way to let companies make and verify transactions on a network instantaneously without a central authority”. Bitcoin (a digital currency) uses blockchain technology as a trust mechanism. It allows for currency transfers to be verified without a central authority (such as a central bank).  

Herein lies the interest of the pharmaceutical industry: The Drug Supply Chain Security Act of 2013 requires that [in 2023], trading partners exchange certain transaction information and that they have the capability of electronically collecting all prior transaction information going back to the manufacturer. Unlike other countries (Turkey, Brazil, etc.) which use a central database, the US pharmaceutical industry has been pursuing a distributed means of sharing pharmaceutical tracing data as products move from trading partner to trading partner. So, it’s understandable that a distributed method of establishing trust would be valuable.

Funding: Bitcoin uses the currency being passed as the mechanism to fund the distributed network using blockchain. In order for blockchain to be feasible for the healthcare industry, it is necessary to fund its use. As part of this Study, we will also explore a number of funding models that could support a healthcare blockchain.

The Study: The Center for Supply Chain Studies will hold an informational webinar on September 30 at 11:00am EST to discuss the Study and a series of weekly Pre-Launch calls to start work on a Study that will:

1.      Seek to understand blockchain technology in context of the DSCSA law
2.     Create ReferenceModels or simulations that demonstrate blockchain's use
3.     Examine various funding models
4.    Define future phases may extend the exploration of blockchain for:
       a.       Exchange of regulatory documents
       b.       Clinical Trials

       c.       Medical Devices

The Center for Supply Chain Studies uses a unique approach to exploring, understanding and educating on complex issues and was approached to see if the subject of blockchain technology might be technically feasible and affordable in solving the healthcare trading partner trust challenges.    

To register for DSCSA & Blockchain INTRO WEBINAR
on Sep 30, 2016 11:00 AM EDT:


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