DSCSA Product Ownership Traceability - Interoperability Pilot

DSCSA Trace Interoperability Testing using PDG JSON TI Request and TI Response Messages

Download the DSCSA Trace Pilot Report

In February 2023, the Partnership for DSCSA Governance (PDG) published Chapter 5 of its Foundational Blueprint for 2023, defining a tracing architecture functional design. It includes TI Request and TI Response message designs, JSON schemas, and credential usage that incorporate data specifications developed throughout the PDG design process. In addition, the design includes several methods for exchanging TI Request and Response messages (e.g., email, OpenAPI, DIDComm, etc.) to support three Levels of Capability Maturity for users implementing trace solutions.

Based on the PDG Foundational Blueprint for 2023 Interoperability, this pilot will enable trading partners and other stakeholders to gain hands-on experience with DSCSA tracing within a simulated supply chain.

The pilot will leverage C4SCS simulated supply chain tools and data to test interoperability between DSCSA TI Trace solutions, and the ability of those solutions to accommodate various DSCSA investigation and interaction scenarios and volume/traffic levels.

As a participant in this pilot, you will have the opportunity to test and optimize your own tracing and verification processes within the simulated supply chain, and to collaborate with other stakeholders such as suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and regulatory bodies. You will also have access to reports, dashboards, and visualizations that will help you analyze the effectiveness of your process and identify areas for improvement.

If you are interested in participating in this pilot, please fill the form below by August 11, 2023. We will provide you with further details and instructions for participation.

Pilot Overview:

The Interoperability Testing Pilot aims to assess the compatibility and integration capabilities of diverse software solutions using standardized JSON "request" and "response" messages. The pilot will run for 8 weeks, starting on August 15, 2023. The primary goal is to identify any interoperability issues between the participating systems, find potential solutions, and promote seamless data exchange among different software solutions.

Pilot Goals:

Assessment of Interoperability: Test and analyze the ability of various software solutions to communicate and exchange data using JSON "request" and "response" messages.

Identification of Issues: Identify any interoperability issues, discrepancies, or errors that may arise during data exchange. 

Recommend Solutions: Propose potential solutions and best practices to address interoperability challenges and enhance seamless integration. 

Validation of Standards: Verify the effectiveness of standardized JSON messages as a means of achieving interoperability. 

Improvement of Software Integration: Enhance the compatibility of software solutions, leading to a more interconnected and efficient technology ecosystem.

Documentation and Reporting: Document the findings, lessons learned, and recommendations in a comprehensive report to be shared with stakeholders.

Importance of the Pilot:

Growing Ecosystem: In today's technology landscape, diverse software solutions coexist, and the ability to integrate and exchange data seamlessly becomes critical for their successful functioning. 

Reducing Errors and Costs: By identifying and resolving interoperability issues early on, organizations can reduce errors, save resources, and avoid costly integration problems in the future.

Accelerating Innovation: Smooth interoperability fosters innovation as it allows developers to leverage existing solutions and build upon them, promoting a faster development cycle.

Customer Satisfaction: Improved interoperability enhances the end-user experience by providing consistent and reliable data exchange, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Pilot Timeline (to be adjusted by pilot team):

Weeks 1 & 2 (August 7 - August 18, 2023):

  • Kick-off meeting with stakeholders and participants.

  • Define the scope, objectives, and success criteria of the pilot.

  • Identify participating software solutions and their roles.

  • Setup the testing environment and infrastructure.

 Week 2-4 (August 21 - September 8, 2023):

  • Conduct interoperability tests using JSON "request" and "response" messages.

  • Monitor data exchange and document any issues encountered.

  • Collaborate with participating teams to troubleshoot and resolve interoperability challenges.

Week 5-6 (September 11 - September 22, 2023):

  • Validate the effectiveness of proposed solutions and best practices.

  • Perform additional tests to ensure all identified issues are resolved.

  • Gather feedback from participants on their experiences during the pilot.

 Week 7 (September 25 - September 29, 2023):

  • Prepare the pilot report, summarizing the findings, recommendations, and lessons learned.

  • Create guidelines for future integration projects based on the pilot's outcomes.

 Week 8 (October 2 - October 6, 2023):

  • Present the pilot report to stakeholders and participants.

  • Discuss the next steps for implementing the proposed solutions.

  • Close out the pilot and assess its overall success.

Supporting the Effort:

The Center is seeking sponsors for this work. Sponsors may demonstrate their solutions at an Industry Demo-Day to be held at the conclusion of the Pilot.

If you are interested in exploring sponsorship or participation in this effort, please contact Bob Celeste at rceleste@c4scs.org