HDMA Traceability Seminar - 2015

The HDMA Traceability Seminar attracted approximately 350 people.  The event focused on the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) with special emphasis on current implementations and preparation for 2017 (serialization) and 2023 (Item level Traceability).  

A number of companies backed an exhibit of DSCSA education and exploration.  The VirtualPosters and ReferenceModels exhibited are available in the Center for Supply Chain Studies Healthcare Library and are also grouped here for the convenience of those of you who were at the event.

Rx Supply Chain 101 - VirtualPoster: This virtual poster was created to educate non supply chain people on the complexities of the US Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. Basic information such as where pharmaceuticals are sourced from, the types of companies, issues and global nature of the supply chain are emphasized. 

* Clicking on magnifying glasses and other content will allow you to zoom in on additional details on a subject.  

Drug Supply Chain Security Act 101 - VirtualPoster: This virtual poster was created to provide a basic education on the 2013 Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA). Basic information such as key compliance dates, trading partner responsibilities, issues faced by the industry, companies who are able to assist with various steps in implementations and insight into a set of reference models that demonstrate certain aspects of the evolving supply chain are emphasized. 

* Clicking on magnifying glasses and other content will allow you to zoom in on additional details on a subject.